In anticipation of the upcoming film Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, The Mill was tasked by Universal and Facebook to bring the Velociraptor "Blue" to life in AR form to promote the film and its 2018 Super Bowl trailer release. Learn more:
You can access these camera effects by tapping on the camera icon on the top left corner of the Facebook app, swiping right from the newsfeed to open Facebook Camera, or send a notification to your mobile device to use this camera effect here:
Creative Director: Pierce Gibson
Commissioner: Facebook
Strategic Partner Manager, Platform Partnerships: Chris Barbour
Strategic Partner Manager, Platform Partnerships: Andrew Wamugi
Lead Partner Engineer, Platform: Brad Heintz
Editorial: The Mill
Editor: Jessica Ledoux
VFX Production
VFX Production: The Mill
Executive Producer: Alice Oakhill
Producer: Hayley Underwood Norton
Production Coordinators: Min-Wei Lee, Victor Bekker
VFX Creative
VFX Creative: The Mill
Art Director: Pierce Gibson
3D Artists: Ryan Federman, Nick Johnnides, Damian Kwiatkowski
Developer: Fabio Piparo